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Some Notes on LLMs

2023 Dec 10

I had a conversation with a friend a few months ago talking about whether or not either of us were going to use LLMs on a regular basis, and my answer at the time was that I didn't think I was going to do much with it, since everything I was seeing at the time suggested it wasn't sufficiently contextually aware to be able to help in my everyday work.

In the months since, that answer has changed a fair bit: I reach for ChatGPT every few days now. Sometimes it's every other day, sometimes it's just once a week, but I've very much found a useful cadence out of it.

It did require a bit of a shift in mindset, though, and still does. My natural instinct with a lot of problems is:

  1. encounter a problem, generally a vague one
  2. reach for Google to get some background on what options I have for solutions
  3. choose a solution to implement
  4. go back to Google to figure out how to implement the thing
  5. implement the thing, and repeat the last step as many times I need to, to arrive at something that (hopefully) solves my problem

I've found that ChatGPT is pretty darn good at that second Google use case - if I know the rough shape a solution should take, I can craft a sufficiently precise prompt that will get ChatGPT to spit out a reasonably well-formed starting point.

To get there, though, I had to switch my own, personal, default behavior from "just Google it" to "toss it in ChatGPT first, and then fall back to Google". Now that I've been through that cycle enough times, and am learning what ChatGPT can do, I'm building a new pattern of my own. As I write this, though, I'm realizing that maybe I need to repeat this behavior reset, and try using ChatGPT for more things again.

There is one tricky part to all this though: just like you need to craft a query to get information back from Google Search, you need to craft a prompt to get answers back from ChatGPT. I'm not even talking about precision or quality or anything of the sort here: I'm just saying that to get output from either of them, you need to provide an input.

And crafting that input is, I think, still a very human activity. If I'm reviewing my company's AWS infrastructure setup, for instance, and resolving a vulnerability in a resource's configuration, there's no one-size-fits-all answer for "how do I make this configuration safe" - sometimes there are questions like "what do we use this resource for? do we actually need this specific resource for that purpose?". And if you just delete the resource, well - then you don't have a vulnerable resource anymore.

A lot of problems have solutions like that, where if you start expanding the scope of the problem, a solution with a very different shape can work just as well. This is where (2) from the above list came into play - learning about the things I don't know that I don't know, to figure out what my options are.

That's a thing I haven't really used ChatGPT for yet. In part because I haven't tried much, partly because it doesn't have the same knowledge discovery potential as following forum links to related questions and answers, which at first glance seem unrelated, and at a second glance can sometimes be surprisingly relevant.

Here's the part that I really wanted to write about: "hallucinations". Or as I'm going to call it, "guessing".

At the end of the day - at least, as I understand it - LLMs are just big black boxes that hand back output that is a reasonably probable response to the input. This "probable" criterion is not causally related to any metric of truth, accuracy, or precision, beyond that human communication tends to be truthful, accurate, precise, or some combination thereof - how could it, when LLMs are just really big probability matrices?

And so, as a consequence, LLMs really shine in situations where there's good correlation between "what is a likely answer to this question" and "what is a correct answer to this question", but struggle when those two sets start to diverge.

There's an anecdote from a conversation I had with a coworker once, which this reminds me of: Google Drive Search has a reputation for being "terrible", whereas Google Search comparatively seems to be a few orders of magnitude better. And, as he explained to me, it's not because there's any distinction between the technical qualities of the underlying technologies, but because Google Search has many more opportunities to be correct than Google Drive Search does.

If you're looking for something on the public internet, odds are that there are hundreds or even thousands of things that Google Search can hand back to you which will reasonably satisfy your query. All Google Search has to do to make you happy with your query results is find a few of those items and put them at the top.

By contrast, if you're looking for something in your company's Google Drive, or just your own Google Drive, there's far fewer opportunities to be correct. Often you're searching for some specific document, and maybe you don't even remember enough details about it to actually find it (if you're even remembering the correct details!)

With ChatGPT, it's a lot of the same (and incidentally, the same goes for things like horoscopes and fortune cookies and whatnot) - give it a prompt for which there are many potential correct answers, and there's a good chance you'll get back one of them, or something close to a correct answer. But if your prompt is one where it needs to be really specific, well, then it's going to struggle.

So here's anecdote #1 of LLM guessing: I found myself nerdsniped by a geometry question I saw while just browsing around, and realized that I could break it down into a few trigonometry problems. I figured that rather than spending 5 minutes re-learning triangles (and also to avoid getting off the couch and grabbing pen and paper), I could just plop each question into ChatGPT, double-check the work, and move on. Here was one of those sub-problems:


Given a triangle ABC where AB is 4, BC is 8, and A is 60 degrees, what's the length of AC?

ChatGPT 3.5:

To find the length of side AC in triangle ABC, you can use the law of cosines. The law of cosines states:

\[c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab \cdot \cos(C)\]


In your case:

Now, plug these values into the law of cosines [...]

No, ChatGPT, \(\angle C\) and \(\angle A\) are definitely different angles.

(Incidentally, the rest of the math in that response, after plugging in \(a\), \(b\), and \(C\), was all correct. I wonder if that says anything about how frequently math problems look like "evaluate a polynomial for specific integer values".)

The rest of the session follows a similar pattern:

But these are the cherry-picked incorrect steps in ChatGPT's reasoning - the vast majority of them are actually correct, and if this were your run-of-the-mill American high school trigonometry class, ChatGPT would do pretty dang well. It honestly looks a lot like a high school student guessing their way towards an answer, who knows who to get it, but is just consistently making a mistake in a key part of their reasoning.

(I read a piece a while back saying that if you start objectively describing human intelligence as a black box of inputs and outputs, where most of the time it's correct but every so often it's incorrect, well - that's a description that sounds remarkably like ChatGPT. And it made a very good case that for a lot of definitions of human intelligence, it demonstrably does very well at placing above the 50th percentile. I wish I could find it again - that was one of the pieces I read that actually shifted my thinking about LLMs.)

Here's anecdote #2 of LLM guessing: I was trying to figure out how to write Lua filters for pandoc, and decided to ask ChatGPT for help since (a) I don't know Lua and (b) I'm definitely not familiar with the Pandoc Lua filter APIs. In one of its responses, it suggested a Lua snippet that included this:

  local entries_list = pandoc.BulletList{}
  for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do

To my untrained eye - keep in mind that I don't know Lua - this looks pretty reasonable. So I tossed it into a Lua filter, got an "attempt to call a nil value (method 'insert')" error, and went back to ChatGPT with it:


The Lua interpreter complains about "attempt to call a nil value (method 'insert')" on the entries_list line

ChatGPT 3.5:

I apologize for the oversight. It seems like there is an issue with the pandoc module. The BulletList and Plain classes may not be available directly in a Lua script outside of a Pandoc filter environment. [...]

Well, that was... wrong. The filter was getting past the pandoc.BulletList{} statement, and I was running it in a Pandoc filter environment.

I figured out a bit later, after going back and forth between "Programming in Lua" and the Pandoc Lua filter API documentation, that entries_list:insert makes no sense, and that what I wanted to write was table.insert(entries_list.content, ...).

(I'm not super clear on why it's not entries_list.content:insert(...) - I have a plausible-sounding explanation in my head, which has to do with (1) what a.b actually means in Lua when a is a table, and (2) how method resolution works in Lua - but I don't want to go into that much of a tangent here.)

Ignoring that ChatGPT's response didn't work when copy-pasting it into a Lua filter, though, this was still a remarkably good response:

And besides, not only does object:method look like correct Lua code to an untrained eye, but it is indeed how instance methods are referenced in Lua (or, that is, Lua's version of them).

In both of the LLM guessing anecdotes, if you score the answers using the criterion "is this a reasonably probable answer for the specified prompt", well, they're all answers I can see a human giving me. It still continues to blow my mind how much intersection there is between the set of "reasonably probable answers" and "useful answers" though, particularly in situations like that of anecdote #2 where I'm dealing with more esoteric APIs.